Health Recipes For Better Health
In modern day life health care has taken a back seat. Eating habits have gone worse. We are totally dependent on junk food. Junk food is not only insufficient to satisfy our body needs. It also harms our body drastically.
Today we are so dependent on medication that we have forgotten to prevent disease. As we know that prevention is better then cures. We should plan our food in a way that it is more on healthier side. There is a say that health body consist healthy mind.
Now the question arises what are healthy recipes? There is nothing extraordinary it takes to make healthy recipes. You need add or remove something from a dish.
There are lots of things we need to check from our food. Junk food gives us extra calories and fats. We should restrict ourselves from eating plenty of junk foods. Healthy recipes are dishes which contains fewer amounts of calories and fats. If we cut short sweets intake that is healthy recipe. Elimination of sugar not only prevents diseases like diabetes and heart diseases also helps a person in maintaining a slim and lean body. If we reduce amount of sugar from any recipes it becomes a healthy recipes. Sugar is enemy for a person who is suffering from high blood pressure. Reducing salt from any dish makes it a healthy recipe for a person of that sort.
Second question is that why to use healthy recipes? As we have discussed examples of sugar and salt. That helps a person to prevent fatal disease just by changing a mere taste. Healthy recipes help to limit calories and fats. Provide to help in gaining useful protein and carbs. By having healthy recipes one can get fresh food, pesticide free food.
One needs not to be an expert to make a healthy recipe. There are some ideas which can help you in making a recipe into a healthy recipe. Few of them are here:
- - Replace milk by low fat skimmed milk.
- - Replace butter by soy oil.
- - Boiling is better than frying.
- - Use brown bread instead of normal one.
- - Elimination of egg yolk can be very useful for reducing cholesterol.
- - Use less cold drinks and processed food as far as possible.
- - Try to reduce amount of calories and fats.
- - Reduce intake of spices, salts and sugar.
Conclusively we can see that it doesn’t take very much to make healthy recipes. Just change some ingredients in regular dishes that will change recipe into healthy recipe.
Article Tags: Healthy Recipes, Healthy Recipe
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